High-quality video
helps sell your brand

What clients are saying …

I worked closely with Steve at The Patriot Ledger for 25 years. His standards are high and his work is first-rate. He’s a tech wizard and incredibly creative. His superb vision enables him to identify and prevent problems before they occur. He has design skills that elude most of us mortals, and a really nice touch with videos and graphics. He also has an abundance of candor. He will always tell you exactly what he thinks, whether or not you want to hear it, and always does exactly what he tells you he’s going to do. This is a guy you can count on.
Ken Johnson, Online News Editor, The Patriot Ledger

Create your Digital Calling Card

Above, video shown at international conference.

Promo your musical brand


Your goal: Getting music producers to hire you.

You have a story to tell. And you have a particular sound.

We can help you develop your message and present it on video.

Deliver, briefly, a brief commercial for your product, your band.

Music events & festivals

Do you have tons of videos and photos from your event that have never seen the light of day.

We can help gather it all that stuff and create an attractive video for your next show.

A multi-camera video shoot.

Performance videos

When producers want to book musicians, they look at band websites and they watch their videos.

Unfortunately, many of the videos of musicians on YouTube are poor-quality phone videos that do little show what a performer is like in concert.

Think about it. If you were going to commit a ton of money to a performer or a band, wouldn’t you want to see a good video showing what the performers are really like: How comfortable they are on stage. How well they connect the audience. How audiences respond.

Good video doesn’t have to be expensive, just effective. Take a look at our YouTube channel and ask yourself if your videos are that good.

A multi-camera video shoot promoting a band.
Above, Call to Action for client.


Businesses often have stale websites that do little to make them human.

Why not show potential customers the face of your business? The people that make the magic happen? The products you are trying to sell? Why they should hire you and not your competitor.

Small businesses often need a leg up, particularly online. Your digital calling card could make the difference between landing or losing that next.

Below, event coverage and montage: